Impact4 what?

It has been a long journey to get to this point, but we have finally arrived and I couldn’t be more excited!  This is the beginning of a long road that Autumn and I are traveling down with eyes wide open.

Reason #1 for Impact4

Impact4, the name, is derived from many things but the first being my family.  

Autumn, Bailee, Theo and me. Us 4 are the center of my life and the reason I want to create a better world by working with and meeting people where they are, not by assuming I know what is best for everyone.  I strongly believe we were put on this earth to make a difference that changes the structure of our current cultural norms. Life isn’t fair, I totally get that, but just because someone was born into a tough situation it doesn’t mean we as fellow human beings can’t give of ourselves to help them out.

Reason #2 for Impact4

We want to create an impact on our community.  Impact 4 community, Impact 4 wellness, Impact 4 education and Impact 4 life.  We strongly believe that the right mindset of meeting people where they are and asking for the guidance, we can create change in the lives of people in our community and hopefully change the structure of their families lives in a positive way.  

Reason #3 for Impact4

We will have 4 strategies that create our company.  Our first being real estate, but we will be using our real estate portfolio to fund a non-profit.  After that, we hope to have a consulting business that focuses on educating people about Impact Investing and the many ways we can invest and do good with our money.  Our 4th business line is not yet on the radar, but as we work down this road I truly believe there will be signs that will lead us directly to what that will be. Life is an adventure, why not let the adventure lead us!

JD Kath

JD Kath